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Thomas Puschmann is Founder and Director of the Swiss Fintech Innovation Lab. He started research in this topic already back in 2008 where the digital banking, fintech and blockchain field was in its infancy. His interests are fintech, sustainable digital finance, digital banking, insurtech, cryptocurrencies, blockchain and smart contracts. In addition, Thomas is member of the Swiss Innovation Council Innosuisse, member of the Blockchain Taskforce of the Swiss Federal Council, Founder and President of the Association Swiss Digital Trade Platform, Founder and Executive Director of Swiss Fintech Innovations, and Chairman of the Swiss Association for Standardization for Distributed Ledger Technologies as part of ISO. Prior to his work in research, Thomas spent five years in consulting where his last position was a member of the executive board at ESPRiT Consulting (today Q_Perior) and The Information Management Group.

Research interests:
Cryptocurrencies, Business impact of blockchain, Blockchain and token economics, Blockchain applications for sustainability, Blockchain applications for sustainability