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Julius Bär: A traditional private bank engaging in digital assets

Industry Talk Autumn 22


The industry talk will focus on use cases for a Swiss private bank from a Wealth Planning perspective. The following topics will be covered:

  1. Private Banks and Digital Assets: A mutualistic relationship
  2. What are the key drivers for Swiss private bank players to engage with digital assets?
  3. Use Cases from a Wealth Planning view.
  4. Q&A


Banking, Digital Wealth Management, Digital Assets, Web 3.0, Open Banking
Digital Assets, Regulation, DeFi
Digital Assets, Education, Investment Advisory


Christoph Bawidamann
Chris joined Julius Baer in 2008 and is currently leading the Business Development and Innovation team within Wealth Planning. Previously, he has held various roles and responsibilities in the area of Investment & Wealth Management, be it as a product manager and data analyst for investment products, as well as a business manager and developer in wealth management. Chris holds a Master of Science in Banking and Finance and has recently completed an Executive MBA in Business Engineering to explore new trends, new technologies and innovative ideas around Web 3.0.

Aline Renda
Aline joined Julius Baer in May 2022 as Business Development Specialist and supports Chris in strengthening the Digital Assets project, the Web 3.0. initiative as well as various other tasks within Business Development & Innovation. Aline is a PhD Student at the University of Lausanne in Blockchain and Financial Crime and investigates how crypto assets can be misused to launder money. She has a long-standing fascination for Bitcoin and its underlying technology.

Manuel Villegas
Manuel works between the Digital Asset Development and Investment Specialists teams at Julius Baer. He was first drawn into Digital Assets in 2016, observing the growth and capabilities of these as payment methods in developing countries, since then he has become very passionate about DeFi and Tokenization. Manuel has previously worked in several roles within the digital asset and traditional finance fields in Venezuela, Switzerland and the United States. He holds a master’s degree in Management and Economics from the University of Zurich, and a postgraduate degree in Financial Engineering from the Universidad Metropolitana.

Timeline & Recording

Time TopicSpeaker Recordings
18:00 – 18:15Introduction and WelcomeProf. Claudio J. Tessone
(Universität Zürich)
18:15 – 19:00Julius Bär a traditional private bank engaging in digital assetsChristoph Bawidamann, Aline Renda, Manuel Villegas
19:00 – 19:30Q&A
19:30 – 20:00Apéro